Why Choose Us?
Employee or Subcontracted Cleaner?
Are you an employee or a self-employed subcontractor cleaner? This seems to be the burning question in the maid service industry. We have noticed that some cleaning services in Linden Ridge and across Winnipeg are hiring house cleaners, giving them set routes and...
Fresh Color Coded Cloths
What will you use to clean my home and how can I be sure there will be no cross contamination from my bathroom to my kitchen or worse from another house?
2020 Staff Appreciation Night
We Clean Up Good!
Sorry lame pun! 🙂 But oh so true. This year we thought we would do something extra special for our amazing Staff. We called it “Dance the Night Away!” And what PARTY it was!!! Decked out in our finest we enjoyed a beautiful four course meal catered and served by deLuca’s in their super cool Kitchen Studio on Portage avenue! Have you been there? What cool little venue!
Comparing Hourly Rates of Pay for Home Cleaners in Winnipeg
Not all advertised hourly rates of pay are created equally. Comparing hourly rates of pay in the home cleaning industry in Winnipeg: Questions to ask to be informed in your job hunt and empowered by your basic rights as an employee.
A House Cleaner’s Typical Day at Signature Cleaning Services
What is a typical day like for a house cleaner at Signature Cleaning Services? We get asked this A LOT. The professional home cleaning industry has many different operation models. At Signature Cleaning Services, we have carefully selected the way we operate based on...
2017 Signature Peer Awards
A sincere CONGRATULATIONS to all our 2017 Signature Peer Award Winners and to all the nominees. Your hard work and efforts do not go unnoticed and we are proud to have you as part of our Signature Family! Joanna & RachellePresented to: Marie-Cecile Alvarez...
Nominated Top Home Cleaning Company in Winnipeg
It’s always exciting to be nominated top anything let alone Top Home Cleaning Company in Winnipeg! It’s been an incredible 2017. Thank you Winnipeg for your continued support and LOVE! This year we executed so many exciting initiatives that will undoubtable propel us...
Pet Friendly Cleaners
Pet Friendly Cleaners at The Winnipeg Pet Show 2017 Signature Cleaning Services was so happy to be an exhibitor at the 2017 Winnipeg Pet Show. It certainly was hard to work when there were so many cute pups around. Thank you so much Winnipeg Pet Lovers for visiting...