Green Cleaning: 3 Reasons to Clean up Your Cleaning Act

Green Cleaning: 3 Reasons to Clean up Your Cleaning Act

When it comes to our families, we do everything possible to keep them safe. So, why are there thousands of cleaning products that contain carcinogens, asthma triggers, and dangerous poisons? There are safe and environmentally friendly alternatives that can be as...
Employee or Subcontracted Cleaner?

Employee or Subcontracted Cleaner?

Are you an employee or a self-employed subcontractor cleaner? This seems to be the burning question in the maid service industry. We have noticed that some cleaning services in Linden Ridge and across Winnipeg are hiring house cleaners, giving them set routes and...
Is It a Real House Cleaning Service?

Is It a Real House Cleaning Service?

Hiring a professional service to take care of your home is a great way to save yourself from the headaches of the never ending chores. However, don’t forget that there are also untrustworthy people in the industry. Just because they appear to have a valid company...
Fresh Color Coded Cloths

Fresh Color Coded Cloths

If you’ve ever used traditional cloths to clean around your home, you know how challenging it can be to remember which one is meant for countertops, windows, or mirrors. However, these worries go away with a color coded system, where each differently colored...
6 Ways to Workout While You Clean

6 Ways to Workout While You Clean

Did you know that you can turn your regular house cleaning routine into a workout with just a few simple steps? Some physical movements you make while doing chores are similar or equal to those you do in the gym. With minor adjustments, you can easily get a full-body...
5 Tips for Creating a Home Command Center

5 Tips for Creating a Home Command Center

Between soccer practice, family events, and out of town football games, a busy household can seem a little crazy. If this sounds all too familiar, your family would benefit from a home command center. What’s a home command center, you may ask? You could think of your...
5 Tips for Creating a Home Command Center

The Benefits of a Clean Home

A clean and tidy home is more than just visually pleasing. It offers many health benefits, significantly improving your quality of life. Whether you’re taking care of your space or you’re relying on professional house cleaning in Linden Woods, making sure your home is...
5 Most Contaminated Items in Your Home

5 Most Contaminated Items in Your Home

Ever wondered where the germs in your home love to hang out the most? It might surprise you that the usual suspects, like the toilet, aren’t the only magnets for harmful bacteria. In fact, some of the most contaminated spots are those you probably least expect....
Expert Tips for a Successful Deep Cleaning Project

Expert Tips for a Successful Deep Cleaning Project

When the time comes for more comprehensive cleaning than removing clutter, dust, and dirt, efficient organization can make all the difference. While hiring expert house cleaning services in Tuxedo is a smart move that saves you both the effort and time, should you...